Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Today I am sad.

.....This all started when I became angry at the following article absolutely buried in the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday August 23, 2005:

In Brief/In Britain
Police Admit Changing Story of Transit Shooting
From Times Wire Reports
London police acknowledged that a Brazilian shot to death had not run into a subway station, had not vaulted a gate and was not wearing a heavy jacket that could conceal a bomb.
Officers said they had met with Jean Charles de Menezes' cousins in London, as well as with Brazilian consular officials, two days after the shooting to tell them those facts.Police shot Menezes on July 22, the day after the failed transit bombings and two weeks after the deadly July 7 attacks.

I am HURT by this. An innocent HUMAN BEING DIED. WAS MURDERED! And buried in the middle of Los Angeles Times is an 83 word article stating that everything that the London police used to justify their murder of a citizen in the tense days after the London bombings was COMPLETELY BOGUS.

I do not understand!! I don't. Individual human lives are so devalued that we either judge people at the outset so that we can take from them what we need or we punch them in as a statistic and write them off altogether.

He was Brazilian: dark skin, terrified of being mistaken for some terrorist. I have this simple thought: what if they had just talked it through?...what if we were all completely honest with each other and ourselves...I don't understand why this happened in the first place and further why the police (a) LIED about the occurance and (b) issued such a lame, tiny, unsympathetic reversal of their previous could they?!?!?


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