Condi or Clinton II...
This week, the first female leader was elected....In Africa....not in South Africa, the most white washed of all African countries....but in LIBERIA. This is a country founded on a jacked up American idea that if we were going to finally abolish slavery then we had to do something with all of the Africans now living on our soil. Southerners were so diluted that their idea was to ship the Americanized slaves back to "Africa" (not sure they knew that was an entire continent...) where they could be "liberated to their own people."
Never mind they:
(a) would not know the language of wherever they were dropped off;
(b) had no idea about their African or tribal heritage;
(c) had no legitimate land to claim...(oh but never mind that, because imperialism was widely accepted at the time so pushing people off their land was like that speed bump you don't see coming on that street with no lights....sure it is less than comfortable....but you got over it - nnnnoooo problem!)
The US finds it scandalous that we have a TV show that suggests that a six foot tall, politically experienced, white woman can rule our country. Heaven forbid.
You know, I don't care who the first female running for president is (well, unless it is Kerry's wife, because she is a spoiled beotch!!) I am voting for her....I'll even try to cast more than one vote....out of my district even...I will truck people to the purple states to threaten people into voting for her....
...I'm totally lying, if I didn't think she was insanely competent - I would heckle her and throw things like I used to throw at cheerleaders...who wants the first women president to embarrass us all?!?!?! Ladies, we have a lot riding on, for the love of baby jesus, STOP WITH THE DUMBING DOWN ALREADY!!!!
But Condi or Clinton. I'm in.
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