Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Uh-oh I'm in trouble!!

Given that FORGE central managed to OVERESTIMATE my fundraising amount by 20% for the past THREE MONTHS, my project has suddenly come under question. UNLESS I can raise $2,000 by June 1st, it is in jeopardy of not happening. As angry as I am at whomever FORGE calls their "finance person" I need to make this project happen.

Many of you have donated generously and I am SO THANKFUL for that (and if you haven't received a "thank you" card from me yet, then you will. It is likely due to the fact the FORGE has managed to lose donors here and there - no biggie, RIGHT?!?!? ggrr - sorry, internal monologue)

Regardless, if any of you are connected to people with money ooorrr churches ooorrr rotary clubs oooorrrr circuses (who doesn't love that big bear on a ball wearing a tutu? heh heh) please please please go out on the limb and see if they are willing to help. I have one page descriptions of the project, presentation books, 6 page descriptions. Anything they want, I will provide.


TO DONATE: Go to http://www.forgenow.org/
Click "Join our Cause - Donate" and proceed.
PLEASE NOTE "Kala - Rachelle" as the Project Facilitator


Friday, May 11, 2007

A Month and a Half Left..A PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is updated info on my portion of the project. This is the content of a one-sheet that a professor of mine is passing on to his Euro chronies who specialize in refugee issues (betterment, law, human rights, etc.) for input and possible internships, connections, yadda yadda. This is, however, the ex-World-Bank-employee-professor who told me that I am far too realistic and sceptical to be a part of FORGE. Apparently he has known past participants with 19 years of "life experience" (10 years of which they can't remember) who want to "help the poor black people." Ouch - not a good impression to leave on your development economics prof who happens to be academically and professionally well connected. Well, thanks for making me look good past FORGies! (Disclaimer: everyone I've ever personally met in FORGE is mature(ish), professional(ish) and doing what they are for the right reasons. Hence my surprise at the professor's comment)

6 Weeks until finishing at Lehman
7 Weeks before US departure

oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy
TO DONATE: Go to http://www.forgenow.org/
Click "Join our Cause - Donate" and proceed.
PLEASE NOTE "Kala - Rachelle" as the Project Facilitator

Facilitating Opportunities for Refugee Growth and Empowerment (FORGE) is an implementing partner of UNHCR.
FORGE is founded on both a US-based Domestic Advocacy program and a Camp Operations department. The Camp Operations model is a project-driven approach to injecting sustainable knowledge, acquisition of skills and economic stimulation into refugee communities. Sectoral concentrations include health, education, business, agriculture, micro-finance, sports, arts and gender equality. Recent shifts in the Southern African situation has encouraged initiatives specific to repatriation from Zambia, Tanzania and Botswana to ease community emplacement in the secured areas of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Angola.

With this in mind, the Entrepreneurial Affairs branch of the Center for Community Driven Repatriation (CCDR) will incorporate culturally appropriate activities and classroom based curriculum to assist DRC nationals currently living in UNHCR camps, prepare for their repatriation to the Southeast Katanga province of DRC. The first CCDR initiative will be implemented on Kala camp near Kawambwa in northeast Zambia over the summer of 2007. Research based preparation for curriculum of three courses began in November 2006 and will end in May 2007. These courses include:
1) Crash Course in Community Economics
2) Savings-led Micro-Finance
3) Social Entrepreneurial Development
The curricula for these will be finalized during the month of June. The implementation phase, beginning in July 2007 and ending in September 2007, will include training Congolese teachers on Kala camp to maintain and continue to develop the courses. Funding will be secured for two years of operation including teacher salaries, classroom materials and curriculum upkeep. According to the guidance of the Congolese teachers and participants, the project will be reevaluated every six months to ensure maximum need-fulfillment. Changes will be made to the program and funding secured according to their guidance as discussed with the FORGE Project Manager who will remain in the camp for coming years. Indicators of success, though difficult to obtain due to the nature of repatriation, are currently being developed.
Crash Course in Community Economics
• One, 4 Hour Workshop
• Prerequisite for other classes
• Overview of international market functions
• Economic and international law governing refugee camps, the repatriation
process and newly emplaced communities
• Historical patterns of repatriated populations in Southern Africa with a
focus on the development of petty trade
• Discussion of power determined by market share internationally and within a community
• Examine implications of wage labor opportunities focusing on Multi National Corporations in the Katanga region
Savings-led Micro Finance
• Two-weeks, 2 hours per day
• Focus on recruiting marginal populations (single
mothers, disabled, elderly, orphans, illiterate)
• Mobile, non-book based course
• Curriculum and activities based on “Savings for
Change” published by Oxfam and Freedom from
Hunger in August, 2006
• Group savings and loan schemes
• Pros and cons of both group and independent saving
• Discuss security issues in Katanga and the safety
implications for marginalized populations connected
through savings
• Self-sufficiency through conscious finance
• Possibilities for business development
Social Entrepreneurial Development
• Two-weeks, 2 hours per day
• Social considerations in business models
• Considering your market on the camp and once
in emplaced community
• Cost/Benefit analyses of upstart
• Marketing and going to market
• Dealing with change and volatility in the community
• Saving surplus to weather downturn
• Resource thrifty accounting/bookkeeping
• How to ensure your business is not creating an
unsustainable need
• Hiring employees: when is the right time?
• Diversity in goods & services
• Preparing in the camp for business after repatriation

TO DONATE: Go to http://www.forgenow.org/
Click "Join our Cause - Donate" and proceed.
PLEASE NOTE "Kala - Rachelle" as the Project Facilitator

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

So, I've gotten my shots (for $700!!), my plane ticket(s) (8 out of total 10 for $2,400), malarone, a lifetime supply of Cipro, I ALMOST have my French visa, the Zambia one is in process, yet there is so much more to do... I don't even have a mosquito net, a sleeping bag, imodium AD, hair product (i mean, have you seen this hair?!) - the devil's in the details, man!

Anyhoo - the budget is solidified and we (my group of three) are still $3,500 short of what we need to support the Repatriation Center for 2 years....still chuggin away (thanks to everyone who donated - you're so cute!). Most of that need is for the $500 a year teacher salaries (that is slightly above market wage....amazing). We have also applied for a $4,000 grant from the Audrey Hepburn Foundation specifically to cover the building we will need to house our project and the health project. We will know by the end of next week whether we get that (fingers crossed!!!! ...ow...)

On a funny note, one of the Project Facilitators on different project but same LA team, raised $10,000 by winning a bet she made with a porn producer at a Clippers game.......welcome to LA (please help me!! these people are crazy!)

Depart LA June 25th
Depart JFK July 3rd
Depart the other side of tha atlantic?.................nneeevvvveeeerrrrr.

TO DONATE: Go to http://www.forgenow.org/
Click "Join our Cause - Donate" and proceed.
PLEASE NOTE "Kala - Rachelle" as the Project Facilitator