Rape: Liberia and Internationally

"What has finally made this a public issue is the fact that the fighting is over, but the rape has not stopped."
"Men were forced to have intercourse with their daughters in front of the soldiers," Ms Boiwu said.
"The soldiers forced brother and sister or son and mother to have sex in front of the husband ... So it broke the family ties."
"We have prosecuted a single case since 1999. And we prosecuted that one case because during that time, it was a female judge that was sitting on the case."
The power of scourged, raped, violently abused, and entirely ignored women brought a female president to power in Liberia and the first word out of her mouth at her inauguration was rape. Good for her.
BAD UN AND PAKISTAN first of all for allowing the gang rape of one of their women per "tribal law" for her brother's crime and second of all for benching her everytime she tries to speak on US soil....ridiculous.
You know, I was about to publish this post and I googled the word "rape" thinking I would be able to find international statistics regarding the violence of rapes and their prosecution percentages in different countries................I am, in a way and in a way not at all, shocked that what came up was OVER 20 PAGES of pornographic depictions of rape. These are not sites condemning the action, there seem to be few disclaimers deterring viewers from partaking in the act that they are watching and (from the very first page it brings you to) there are crying women, bound, defenseless, showing marks of physical abuse on their bodies as menacing men stand over them smiling and touching. Americans think that they are so much more "civilized" and evolved than the rest of the world when really, instead of openly partaking in such depraved acts, they are reinacted in turn encouraging those unable to think for themselves to commit these horrid acts against OUR women.
I am disgusted and ashamed of the arrogance that gives life to such degradation.
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